As mundane as it may sounds, almost every developed countries have one, with fancy names attached to it for marketing purposes. But in the end, its just a slow-moving wheel with capsules for tourists.

On the island, it’s called the Singapore Flyer.

D3100 with Nikkor 18-200mm (Circular Polarizer used)

Several tips indicated that no Nikon pro body will be released before the summer. August/September is the time frame mentioned by several sources. Previous reports suggested that certain Nikon offices have already blocked employees from taking vacation in the last two weeks of August 2011. The CliQ show (formerly known as PMA) will start on September 6th, 2011.

Nikon interchangeable sensor patent 1 Nikon D800 rumors

This dpreview poster claims that the D800 will have a sensor carriage that can be removed by an authorized…

Aperture for Highest Resolution – Review

Nikkor 10-24mm F/3.5-4.5G 

Optimal Aperture Size – F/5.6 throughout entire range except when forced to maintain ISO rating. F/8 if possible for landscapes at 10mm. MTF50 rating as high as 2156 in a DX body.

Nikkor 24-70mm F/2.8G N

Optimal Aperture Size – F/5.6 throughout entire range except at widest end where F/4 is ideal. If forced to shoot landscape on it, do it only at 24mm at F/8. MTF50 can be as high as 3988 in the center on an FX body! Vignetting is also lowest from F/5.6 or smaller.

Nikkor 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6G VR II

Optimal Aperture Size – F/8 throughout entire range except at 70mm, where F/5.6 is ideal. Avoid range from 200mm onwards if possible as image soften significantly. Vignetting is lowest at F/8 but moderately identical from F/4.5 to F/5.6. A FX lens ideal for an FX body.