The Concept of Part-time Pros

Its been an interesting week of festive celebration, work and recuperation here in Asia, as millions (or billions) celebrates and struggles with their pride to face what I would say an indifferent year.

As as new cameras are introduced along with the upcoming Olympics 2012 in London, you can’t help but compose your emotional response to photography, life and career that’s ready to pounce on you. And as folks like Scott, Joe and the gang showcase their latest portfolio with their Nikon D4s, a sudden surge of emotion came to me that you too can churn out identical work folio granted you are willing to splurge $10-15K on the new gear alone and another $10K to hire a hybrid of models in some exotic locations.

$15K is what medium format folks call a shoe-string budget and its definitely not an amount unaffordable by many. But is that all there is to…photography? If you call this expenditure expense, you can ease off like me and shoot when you feel like shooting, and not be nosed around to earn that amount back as soon as possible.

And when you really shoot with that $10K gear, generates equally compelling shots the pros do daily in their studios! This is what I call a luxury and a real hobby and a heightened quality of life as opposed to an enslaving job as a full-time photographer.

Nikon 1 – An Acquired Taste

Till today, I have not fully grasped the BTS (Behind the Scene) behind the Nikon 1 momentum, despite having taken approximately about 2,000 images with it. You’d really need to sit through the interviews found on the Nikon websites to just begin getting underneath the whole rationale of using the Nikon 1…

Let’s see!