Camera Gear Cost to Image Quality Ratio

Perhaps one of the most asked question here in Nikon Studio – How much does your camera ultimately delivers versus the investment you placed in shooting with it?

Well, the priciest configuration in my single piece of arsenal to shoot with is tagged at S$6500 and you can look at what that delivered by searching Nikon Studio for tag “Nikon D700”. 

But of late, I have decided to travel with a lighter combination kit – Nikon D7000 and Nikon 1 V1 and that’s what you can see of subsequent shots taken here in the mountain range of China. Again in costs, they are but S$3500 and S$1800 kits respectively, though I am equally, if not more impressed while using them. Yes, they combine to only hover around S$5000 in value, but you can already begin to appreciate the difference seen between each camera.

So, when you or I finally do decide to bring in the new kid on the Block – say a Nikon D800, the bar to exceed what we are already seeing here should correlate in weigh beyond any of my current work!

It All Began with a Remark – Changbai Mountain Shoot Trip

I recall it all began as a conversation piece on one of the longer car journey in Shenyang, that this mystical site was coined the Heavenly Lake of China since it was first discovered by the Northern Koreans.

I guess the mystics of the crater lake is partially derived from her sheer location of 2700m above sea level, and partially for the fact that clouds actually surrounds the lake. Likewise, its recognised as a heaven for her massive size, and that being able to catch a glimpse of her is as unpredictable as the wind.

Yes, I have the good fortune and answers of God to obtain just that while being there for the last two days. And yes, its heaven because you can get to view her only by overcoming the 1442 steps of sweats that lead us to her.

Blackberry Playbook in Rural China

With my weekend shoot moving into the more remote towns and villages of China, and the lower-standard accommodations and all, my Playbook continues to show her unique capability of fetching both my mails and web pages like this post in the temperate forests nearest my shoot location – a condition where even my Macbook Air fail to keep up.

This adhoc trip to this exotic location is costing me a whopping USD600, with a dedicated guide and vehicle thrown in, together with an hour return flight that would otherwise be a tedious 11-hour train ride. But above all, it’s the real, life shots I hope to bring to my community, where hopefully bring some value to your planning, if you so choose to visit it too.

It’s not rocket science, but simply an appetite to go further and beyond the destinations people dream of paying a visit with my Nikon gears.

And that’s where equipment such as a BlackBerry PlayBook becomes a vital communication tool, to me.