Nerves of Steel Need Apply

In this age of incessant updates, upgrades and refreshes, its fast becoming staple news to hear product launches after launches, with web sites claiming the most number of product launches from Nikon ever.

While I reflect over the strategy of Nikon for a few moments, I can see Nikon having her toes on end, trying obsessively to plough her way back to the top spot of what she does best – optics. Nikon D4, Nikon D800, Nikon D3200, Nikon D600, Nikon D5200, Nikon 1 J2/V2 in the last 12 months, not to mention what rumors are pointing out. There seems no stopping her…unless we do something about it – applying some common sense in our purchase/upgrade ecosystem. And rein in on what works and what’s realistic versus what’s good to have.

Let the good old question on “How many shots have you enjoyed creating each month?” gives us a better judgement in view of each product launch. Let your ego take a back stage while homing in your thoughts rather, on excelling with what’s in your hand today.

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