First Perception of the Nikon Coolpix A

Well, to price it next to a Nikon D7100 body pretty much says it all – that Nikon is making big bets in 2013 to up her brand names of her coolpix series of products.

And from a system (i.e.. usability) perspective branches between a Coolpix P7700 and a Nikon 1 – sort of an in-between. The size versus image quality ratio certainly appeals to some but I would like to think that that “some” is indeed quite a small target audience.

Plugging from the now venerable surplus stock of Nikon D7000 sensors, I would applaud Nikon for adopting that oldest textbook trick of self-cannibalizing while innovating and redefining a new price-point for a new DX compact.


But alas! For that same price point, you have practically gained a less conspicuous tool that concurrently forces you to make quite a few compromises from an otherwise semi-pro Nikon D7100. Lens are fixed and not swappable (reminds me of the Leica X2). The 28mm reach is not the lens of choice in my opinion for street photography. 36mm is. No AF confirmation (or focus point selection) is available via the optional optical viewfinder. Battery life is rather short.

A tool definitely that’s neither designed as a DSLR backup nor an independent tool for a serious assignment. 

I would shoot any day with a Nikon 1 V1 system against say the Nikon Coolpix A.

PS Nikon is not scoring anything for lifting her design cue directly from the Nikon P3XX series

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