Next Stop – The Canadian Rockies and America Wild West

Yup. The flight’s just booked and the vehicle chosen. And this time round, it will be a place that’s least expected – Canadian rockies and the wild west. 

I was planning on taking on Cuba, Eastern Europe or Moscow all along, but work got in the way and that takes priority without question. But since I will be there, I might as well take some time off to revisit some of these spots which were so close to my heart when I was stationed for work there a while back.

So, stay tune. Kick back and enjoy the view, right from my Nikon lens.

Upgrading your Mindset in Photography

“Well, its not where you live that dictates the quality of work you can deliver. But, rather, the glass ceiling you put above you that you can’t.” – an opening phrase I always use before photographers.

So often, we only talk about hardware upgrades and software upgrades but seldom, do I hear the need or desire to do a mindset upgrade. And that’s because its the hardest thing you can do it right. It’s also something that puts the most pressure on an individual. Most photographers would rather think that an upgrade in either the hardware or software is all that’s needed – to improve their work.

An upgrade in your photography mindset is all about taking a continuous hard look from the place you live to the immediate city that you call home, and extracting that fresh snippets of moments that evades the most casual photographers, and telling your story to the world that makes it somewhat special. 

Doing that often imply the need to work your mind more and depressing the shutter less…to the point that you achieve a much higher “home run” shots as opposed to the pure pursuit of achieving a higher shutter count.