A New Lease of Life for the Nikon D800 Needed

As most hardware ownership matters end up, familiarity towards our gears always tend to infuse that stream of lethargy and boredom with time. We all end up keeping them in a dry cabinet, while using them less and less.

Well, I am not referring to the fact I have lost my passion for photography but, there’s just a growing collective set of new gears that I have acquired post the Nikon D800, that has somewhat, drew me away from using it more regularly. In other words, I am being spoilt for choices and that need to change.

The most effective approach has always been to acquire a new accessory for the gear in question. May it be a new battery grip, a new prime lens,or something I can use with it. Or buy another flight out to a new location, carrying only it to shoot with. Or do a quick web research to psychologically indoctrinate yourself with how fantastic the Nikon D800 still is, and that I should use it more often. Or just bring it out for the day as a shoulder weight to soothe your conscious.

The Mirrorless siren is growing stronger but I am not silently going down into the dark without a fight. It ain’t over yet.

Nikon 1 AW1 Launched!


Something that’s a cross between a Sci-fi thriller and a classic afternoon matinee, you are looking at paying a fairly high premium for such a first, which possibly put active folks to question, if this new deal is even something they would carry around (500g), considering that its so much more heavy than a rugged compact.

The 220-shot-per-charge is surely not winning any medal too, considering that that figure will plummet in less than ideal weather conditions. That’s said in consideration that the GPS is not even turned on yet too.

The Nikon 1 AW1 will definitely gives pro-body DSLR owners a confident compact to shoot under the weather and that’s as far as it will go in my first thought.

Limping Along with the Nikon P7000

As it turns out, the majority of the dial function still works! I pronounce the “U2” and “U3” position as both dead despite the fact they do come alive once in a blue moon.

The frequent toggling between those buttons across her 15K shutter iterations might have been the root cause of what I am seeing here. The entire lens barrel was completely replaced once, among other components within and I would say its somewhat a special relationship I am still keeping it with me. It has gone to quite a few countries around the world and I would hate to see her degenerate into my boys’ toy camera.

Let’s resume shooting with it until a full 100K shutter count (or when Nikon P8000 is announced) is reached, shall we?