Let’s Talk About Your Weight

One of time-enduring curse that a photographer has to live with, has always been the hefty weight of the camera gears he or she has to put up with. In moving from one point of interests to another, the prospect of literally breaking your shoulder or hurting your wrist has been a pro photographers’ staple dose of unavoidable afflictions.

If you analyse this situation a tad deeper, you’d would soon realize a correlation between mirrorless camera makers’ key success factors to subvert this necessary evil and their unstoppable success in a short few years. It is now indeed possible to shed heavy, clumsy camera gears and still achieve optimal goal of capturing stellar imageries.

In fact, it will do more…much more. A lightened encumbrance will also now means a lengthened ability of us to shoot longer in the field, achieving new unique vantage points to shoot from and heightening our creativity to create better images.

Sony is pushing the envelope. Fujifilm has done it. Canon is inline to achieve that goal with her M family. Leica has been doing it since her first M series. Nikon is trying with her Nikon 1 series, though not hard enough (Betting my cat that V3 will not disappoint me). So, what’s not possible these days?

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