250,000 Shutter Counts and Beyond.

Just did a count this morning and realize thats indeed a small milestone for me as a enthusiast-turned-pro (at least in name by Nikon NPS) has been reached.

Of course, its not simply about how many shots you have taken but the journey in getting there, that really matters. In retrospect, I would love Nikon to make a Nikon D800 in a D7000 body in 2015, with her complete DNA built in. That would be cool. 

Being in a full-time Business IT Advisory line of work, you can say the advantage is clearly on my side to go places and see stuffs that requires both a hefty travel budget and time, and I would say Nikon Studio is that little window you may find somewhat interesting to you…without having to leave your chair. 

My work calendar is pretty much done for 2014 as I contemplate new venue and places to go work first, then shoot. Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Suez, Mexico are on my “special” radar for 2015 but nothing’s set in concrete yet. 

As an update in Tokyo, I fail to acquire ANY gears this time round, to my own surprise, as there’s clearly nothing worth the dough. It was rather quiet. Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is trying to make a killing this Christmas here and worth a look with her bundled keyboard and Office Suite. Did not appeal as I already have one… 

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