Videography 101 – Introduction (Page 1)

For one thing that’s not, videography is not cinematography that many would like to infer or think it to be. It is but the skill set required to capture a moment not with an image but with a video clip.

You can say its a building block to cinematography but that’s an entirely different discipline altogether. But I believe with you mastering videography as a basic foundation, taking a stab at cinematography becomes a natural progression.

With that out of the way, lets talk about what it is.

Being true that the majority of us started with taking pictures with a camera, the need and want to record a video clip out of these tool hasn’t been seen that relevant. In fact, each attempt to do so almost always leave us with an almost useless piece of work we rather chuck into the deep recess of our hard drives, never to be seen again. 

The work produced was shaky, the subjects were either over or under exposed, with the sound recordings, hollow and soft etc. You can say its a rather nauseating experience at best. Not a good start.