Tumblring with Motorola Atrix & Lapdock

Yes you heard it right! “Tumbling” with an Android OS with a hope to push my shots onto the Internet has proved seriously difficult for the last few days. And the woes of shooting RAW only complicate my already-simple work flow to an almost impossible feat!

Well, for one, it only reads my CF cards for some mysterious reasons…so you will not see shots coming out from either the D5100 or P7000. For second, most of the simple act of resizing my shots must be done on-camera AFTER I converted them into JPEGs. Most highly recommended Android apps fell flat when it attempts handling my simple JPEGs…Well, perhaps, it was never designed for us photographers in the first place, like the Apple iPad.

Verdict – The Android OS is clearly the last choice a photographer should go as his or her mobile platform.