Flying “Handicapped” – With a Microsoft Surface

You may be wondering where my images went since a few days back and I must confess that my impressive MacBook Retina finally gave up without a battery charger one week after her last charge for this trip.

You see…I left her power adapter back home in a rush pack-and-go. What came with me was a real attempt to work solely with the delicate Microsoft Surface. And thanks to her having a Micro SD slot, I think I can alternatively resume uploading some shots via an SD card adapter.

The Microsoft Surface is not meant for rough hands. Its pretty much as delicate as a women’s launderette. And if you caress it, stare at her slow but steady quad-core processing speed, you would eventually be entirely amazed that this little tablet can still heavy-lift a rather sophisticated work proposal, upload images from my Nikon D800 and still work as a video player onboard long, boring flights.

Its a device that would only be appreciated when your stronger, meaner laptop is fully drained out. But still, its a good point of argument to sometime be in, to slow down and appreciate people or things that are around you, which and who are just like that…

The Microsoft Surface reminds me of my wifey all the time, and its as stunning as how the beholder bears the knowledge to properly leverage upon it.

The Day Microsoft Surface Became a Beautiful Swan

I can still recall the day when I visited the Microsoft campus in Seattle a few years back, where I was first introduced the Microsoft Surface. Unlike what we all know today, it was then a huge screened table where we could serve the web, view digital content right from a touch-sensitive “intelligent” table.

But that soon became a white elephant when Microsoft decided to ditch the table and plug the same name onto what I now hold in my hand – Microsoft Surface with Windows 8 RT 64GB. Nope. Microsoft Surface Pro has not hit Asia at the point this article was written.


Anyway, that aside, the Microsoft Surface will be my new photo portfolio “book” for 2013, coupled with a few other purposes.

Let’s take it for a spin!